Gaming Server
· β˜• 2 min read · ✍️ m0nk
🏷️ john ssh key docker lxd
This is a fun box on tryhackme which can help us teach lxd privilege esclation and how to deal with ssh private keys. Initially we get an ssh private key and a wordlist which we can crack to get an initial shell on the system.
Gaming Server

Fart Knocker
· β˜• 2 min read · ✍️ m0nk
This is a rellay fun box aimed to teach port knocking. We portknock the box at three instance to get to the ssh port but, the shells aren’t stable TTY shells and we have to find our way in.
Fart Knocker

Sunset 1
· β˜• 3 min read · ✍️ m0nk
This is a fairly easy beginner friendly machine which can have some real life scenarios. Here, we have anonymous login enabled and we can download and read files.
Sunset 1

VIIT CTF V3 - 2021
· β˜• 6 min read · ✍️ m0nk
This is a short writeup for all the challenges of the VIITCTF V3 organized by the ACM Student Chapter of VIGNAN’s Institue of Information Technology.
VIIT CTF V3 - 2021